Sunday, July 6, 2008

the return

so I am writing on this thing again, for no reason really other than to amuse my own self and to avoid the perpetual boredom that has engulfed every waking aspect of my life. though, in reality, I haven't really been bored lately, though I find it amusing to complain about boredom.

Interesting bit of news that has weirded me out in the last few weeks are the stories of the "man" that gave birth. Now, I'm all for the rights of everybody, including those that decide that god didn't create them the "correct" way... or whatever their excuse is. But there are some people that feel that they are better off as the other sex. So they seek this refuse behind the guise that is the outward appearance of the opposite sex. I wonder how that helps their psyche, if anything, it seems to confuse them more and more. I mean, the male transgendered individual who dresses as a woman, gets surgery done to have the physical traits (on the outside) of a woman, do they ever truly believe they are indeed a woman? how about that woman that had the baby after she was "officially" a man? Whats even more shocking is the fact that s/he was married to a woman. Now, thats not a problem either, but the wife claims to be straight, though, if your husband has a vagina and no penis, wouldn't your sex inevitably be lesbian-esque at best? How can you claim being straight if your husband's only claim to manhood is facial hair and a beer belly with saggy man boobs? Moreover, how does it make you feel as a woman if your husband gave birth to a child before you ever did?

I'm sorry, Im rejecting the notion of a male having a baby. because in my own world, the difference between male and female is what is inside (the reproductive system for starters) so if your body were to somehow be fossilized for future inhabitants of this planet to study and examine and try to understand our species, and you are a specimen of interest, you would be considered as female. plus, your brain is physically smaller than all other males on the planet. sorry "wodude" you can have your baby, its beautiful, but you're still a woman.


Forsoothsayer said...

well you realize they also get "gender-reassignment surgery" i.e. they invert the vagina and make it a penis.
i am sure there are small dudes out there whose brains are smaller than womens'!

H2 said...

ok ok... sure, there are dudes with tiny brains. I'll give you that.

but the gender reassignment surgery doesn't change the insides, even if they have the reproductive organs removed (the uterus) your internal organs are still "female-like" and all tests on your blood, bone marrow, etc. will reveal that you are female... not to mention the whole XX chromosome.

though maybe she is an XY chromosome female? maybe I'm being too harsh on the transgendered.

La Gitana said...

I'm pretty sure it depends on what kind of transgender individual you are. There are some who are indeed genetically male but have the external genitalia of a female.

Plus there's a big difference now between sex and gender and parenting has little to do with your sex organs and more to do with instinctual needs to procreate.

It's much more complicated than this. Try reading Middlesex. Good book, sheds lots of light on the subject.